Good real estate photos depend on a sophisticated way of working, a.k.a. the right workflow. After all, it’s about achieving the best possible result in a short time, using the right tools and techniques. The time factor is not only important for your own cost calculation, but also for the time effort on the side of owners or users of a property. The following report gives an insight into my workflow during a recent real estate photo shoot in the Southern German Allgäu region (in English also known as Allgovia or Allgau).
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My Workflow: Real Estate Photo-Shoot in the Allgäu
Technical terms, that everyone should know (who photographs real estate)
When photographers speak tech, laypeople usually don’t have a clue what they are talking about. Well, photography is not just a creative process. It is often determined by sophisticated pieces of technology like camera, lens and some accessories. This is always accompanied by technical terms. Real estate photography in particular, with its special light and space conditions, is not only about the creative eye, but especially about the right technical solution to take realistic and still inviting images. For this reason, anyone who creates real estate photographs should try to understand the relevant vocabulary.
Here follows an explanation of general photographic terms that play a role in real estate photography. I will try not to flood these explanations with further technical jargon, but to keep them generally understandable.
Dream Combination for Real Estate Agent Photos finally there: Nikon Z 30 and Nikkor Z 12-28 mm
Smaller, lighter, cheaper and better image quality. The current dream combination for real estate professionals, consisting of camera and lens, has finally become true with Nikon* since the end of May 2023. The new couple Nikon Z 30 + Nikkor Z 12-28 mm combines all the technical and tactile characteristics that real estate agents expect from their equipment when it comes to produce their real estate photos by themselves.
They had to wait for a long time for this technology in this size and price range. Bit by bit, however, what has now come true was realized.
In this article you can read about the rocky road to this duo and find out what makes this dream combo so special.
Problem Solved: Photoshop Rulers again Visible
Almost everyone who edits photos and graphics in Photoshop uses guidelines. You can easily drag these from the ruler into the image and use them to align certain image elements. You can also display different dimensions on the ruler (double-click on the ruler) to measure sizes or distances. Centimeters, pixels or inches are most commonly used. However, since the last feature update, Photoshop no longer displays rulers on some computers.
The key shortcut Ctrl+R / Cmd+R, with which Photoshop shows or hides rulers, and using the View menu do not work either. If you press it, however, the image position changes marginally – something is obviously happening. If you aim accurately, you can even drag guidelines out of nowhere. However, this half-solution is not satisfactory.
After a customer asked me about this problem, I started looking for a solution. Read on …
Which Lightroom Version for Retouching Real Estate Images?
In my hands-on workshops on „Image retouching of real estate photos with Adobe Lightroom Classic“, it happens again and again, that participants bring the wrong software version on their laptop. This is not a big problem, can usually be remedied quickly, but always causes confusion and frustration.
The following article contains an attempt to explain this little confusion and explains the difference between the different versions. First of all: Lightroom Classic has collected all the basic tools for editing real estate photos in a concentrated manner and, with a little tuning, enables efficient image editing that even laypeople can quickly master . That’s what my workshop is about.