PrimePhoto has translated, edited and published the German version of Larry Lohrman’s free e-book „What Realtors Need to Know about Photography“ from PhotographyForRealEstate.
Contents and Making of
In this e-book the author describes how real estate photos work für the buyer, the seller and the realtor.
- He explains 10 rules für successful real estate photography.
- In addition to this he provides link list with the most important argumentation and statistics on that topic.
- After I had read on Larry’s Blog that there is already some Russian version I contacted him. We agreed that having a German version wouldn’t be bad, too.
Translation, layout and finishing I have handled via my very own service for English language clients, GermanoMedia.
Larry Lohrman and PhotographyForRealEstate …
… are an integral part of the English language real estate photography industry. The online information portal turns to realtors and homesellers who need photos for their houses. For his daily updated blog at he combs through the internet for the newest trends, checks different techniques, presents current market data, creates competitions and has the masters of real estate photography at his hand for writing articles or being interviewed. In addition to this he has an international list of real estate photographers. And ofcourse he is a shooter himself. Larry is from Oregon.