PrimePhoto presented on PhotographyForRealEstate

Oliver M. Zielinski Oliver M. Zielinski - 11. Juli 2014 - in: English

PFREPhotographyForRealEstate is the leading English language plattform on the web on real estate photography. Today U.S. real estate photographer and operator of that website Larry Lohrman has presented the services of PrimePhoto at his blog. We feel quite happy about that honor.

Our contact with Larry has already existed for quite a while. About one year ago we have published the German version of his e-book What Realtors Should Know About Photography. Since then this standard item counts as a favourite helper for entering real estate photography amongst German realtors.

In his recent mention of PrimePhoto Lohrman writes about our latest newsletter, of which he is a subscriber, too. About every quarter we publish short reports on the activities of our photo studio with this tool. Lohrman is pleased about the fact that we are amongst the active real estate photographers in Germany.

Thanks Larry. We also have some new ideas to intensify the colaboration via the ‚Big Pond‘. Be excited.
