Download: Tips on Preparing a Property for Photography

Oliver M. Zielinski Oliver M. Zielinski - 13. November 2014 - in: English

Photographer Nina Leone on preparing a property for photography.Yesterday I joined a discussion over on PhotographyForRealEstate on how to deal with personal or religous items in a real estate photo. Incidently I dropped a link to my blog’s checklist with Tips on preparing a property for photography. 

Web traffic onto this info went supersonic by several hundred per cents and inquiries from other photogs came in. They asked if they might use this checklist for their own business. So did photographer Nina Leone from Bartlett, IL, which I had a very nice conversation with. I felt this was very polite and very unusual in these times where everybody takes the use of free web content for granted. Don’t get me wrong.  I love to share my content to make the world a place with better real estate photos :-) . But to be asked felt really good.

Now I decided to provide a service that German real estate agents already get from me: I made a real checklist out of this text list for printing and using it on site with the agent or the seller , including check boxes to mark which task has been successfully solved.

A tip for everyone: Take this list as a suggestion. As of today I tried to make it as complete as possible from my point of view. But it’s content is quite dynamic.  Due to different kind of properties, local habits, individual preferences and personal communication styles not every aspect may apply for your very own scenarios. Take my list as a basis and make your own.

Anyway, my PDF list for preparing a property for a photo shoot can be downloaded.

PrimePhoto Checklist for Preparing a Property for Photography

If you want the German version instead, click here.
